Talking Gratitude and Appreciation

Co-Facilitated Conversation with Tim Hebert and Katie At the end of March, when the world was beginning to shut down, stay-at-home orders were put into place and businesses were going virtual overnight, I could not have ...

Self-Care Strategies, Part 10

b reviewed A summary of best self-care practices from the 10-part series with the Greater Providence Chamber of Commerce. Watch Conversation ...

Self-Care Strategies, Part 9

b sweet Life feels bitter right now…a little something sweet might feel good about now. Baking like fiends, gulping alcohol, “treating” ourselves with sugar, many of us are indulging in shocking excess. Join us as ...

Self-Care Strategies, Part 8

Are You an Innie or an Outie? Strategies for Extroverts and Introverts Join Chamber President Laurie White and Katie for a weekly virtual event. Watch Conversation ...

Self-Care Strategies, Part 7

Mastering the Art of Saying “No" Skillfully In the battle for our ever-shrinking time, we must learn to master the art of saying “no" skillfully. Join Chamber President Laurie White and Katie to gain confidence ...

b real a message from bnourished ...

Providence Business News: Self-care is key part of coach’s playbook

Article written by Susan Shalhoub, Contributing Writer for Providence Business News Katie McDonald’s executive clients span numerous industries, states and countries, but they have something in common: they are ...

Self-Care Strategies, Part 6

Create Professional and Personal Boundaries When Chaos Makes It All So Hazy The lines between work and home are blurred. Bedrooms are transformed into offices and kitchens into work spaces. Lines need to be drawn so we ...

This crisis can break us, but what if it makes us?

This crisis can break us, but what if it makes us? What if we wake up to the seductive ways in which we fell asleep? We are being called home to our shelters and to ourselves. We have been breathless with busy. And m ...